
You …

  • know features that are missing?

  • found a bug?

  • have a great idea for a visualization?

  • want to build on the code?

  • have a complaint?

  • want to really express how awesome the project is?

Regardless what it is - contact us!

How can I become a contributor?

Option A - You are experienced in python programming or R programming: Fork the project, implement your idea and make a Pull request. Together we can solve remaining issues (if any) and you become part of the project!

Option B - You have no clue about programming: Write us! We talk about it and decide what we can do!

Looking forward to your ideas and comments!

Contributing to PolarityJaM

Clone PolarityJaM repository from source as

git clone
cd polarityjam
git checkout main

Optionally install pre-commit. This will ensure that the pushed code passes the linting steps:

pre-commit install

Although the last step is not necessary, it is highly recommended, as it will help you to pass the linting step.